Captain John Smith — Putting New England on the Map (1614)
Captain John Smith (1580-1631) gave "New England" its name mapping the coast line from Penobscot Bay to Cape Cod in 1614. A return voyage the following year came up short when he was captured by French pirates and detained for several months near the Azores before escaping and making his way back to England. His book is a tale of these two voyages.
A Best-Selling Book (1616)
A Description of New England by John Smith(Click to download full digital version of the book)

More About John Smith
Why John Smith Never Came Back
A colorful biography of the controversial sea captain
By J. Dennis Robinson
"For 400 years now, John Smith's reputation has risen and fallen on the relentlessly fickle seas of history. He's been lampooned on the Elizabethan stage, skewered by critics as a braggart and a liar, cast in bronze on the shores of the James River..." click to read more.
Why John Smith Failed to Colonize New England
Captain John Smith's relationship to New Hampshire
By J. Dennis Robinson
"Smith planned to return and plant a colony here – right here. At least New Hampshire historians like to believe that Smith was headed back to the Piscataqua region or nearby when his elaborate plans fell to pieces. Why else, they claim, would he name the Isles of Shoals “Smythe Isles?...” Click to read more.
A Photo History of Seacoast Monuments
By J. Dennis Robinson